Saturday, October 19, 2019

Montfort Belles "Soup for Socks" Saturday, Nov 16, 2019 at Noon Update!

Stop and have some soup and bread while giving a donation of warm clothing that will be given to various charities in the area. Socks, scarves, hats and gloves are needed and appreciated. Please Join Us! We had Split Pea, Chicken Noodle, Broccoli Cheddar and Minestrone homemade soups at this event. We had a small number of people stop by and we had a good time visiting with them. We divided up the donations and took them to the Clothing Bank in Deer Park and the Union Gospel Mission. Hope you will join us next year!

Family Potluck October 31 at 6 pm

Please join us on Thursday, Octobrt 31st at 6pm for our family potluck. Everyone is welcome!  Bring a dish to share and have a nice dinner with friends and family. Dishes, silverware and coffee is provided. Hope to see you there!

This will be the last potluck for this year. NO potlucks in November or December. They will resume the last Thursday in January 2020.